

Tim Scruggs

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Pastor Scruggs served as the Interim Pastor in November, 2018. On January 13th, 2019 the church voted him in as the full time Pastor.  Pastor Scruggs was born on December 11th, 1967 and married his wife Robin on September 8th, 1990.  Tim and Robin have two sons. The oldest is Dylan, 24. Dylan is a graduate from Carolina Bible College in Anderson, SC. The youngest is Isaac, 20. Isaac is currently a Senior at the University of South Carolina.  

Assistant Pastor

Joshua Winkles

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Joshua Winkles is 26 years. He was born and raised right here in Calvary Baptist Church. Joshua also serves as the Adult Sunday School Teacher, as well as the Pianist.  

Youth Pastor / Director, Iron Sharp

Dylan Scruggs

  Send Email  •  (864)610-0197

Dylan Scruggs is 24 years old, with a degree in Pastoral Theology from Carolina Bible College in Anderson, SC. Dylan also serves as the Senior High Sunday School Teacher, grades 9th - 12th. Dylan is the director of Iron Sharp, our teen ministry, grades 6th-12th. 


Mike Carter


David Childs


Chad Price


Zachary Scruggs


Jonathan Winkles


Audrey Ballenger

Director, Choir

Mark Harkins

Directors, Kids4Trurth

Mike & Kimberly Carter

Social Media Management / Cite Administrator

Isaac Scruggs